How to Sew Mitered Corners

Mitered corners are the secret for neat and expensive-looking sewing projects. The process seems daunting for a beginner but I broke it down to make it easy for you.

Easy Tutorial on How to Sew Mitered Corners

If you are just learning how to sew, making neat mitered corners could be a challenge. The best technique to get rid of bulky and rough looking edge is to miter the corners. Mitered corners add an aesthetic appeal to two edges that meet. It looks daunting for a beginner but it is actually a simple sewing technique useful for a handful of projects like tablecloths, curtains, and blankets.


For this sewing technique, you’ll need:


Step 1: Fold and Iron

Fold the fabric over 1/4 to 1/2 an inch and iron it. Then fold it over again to about an inch then iron again. Repeat these steps on all the other corners. The creases will serve as guides for the mitered corners.

Step 2: Pin the diagonal crease

Open the fabric so only the first crease is folded over. Measure 2 times the width of your border from the corner down each side. Draw a line connecting the two marks then fold the corner in half diagonally with the wrong side facing out. Make sure the two marks line up. Iron to create a diagonal crease and pin in place. Repeat these steps on all the other corners.

Step 3: Back stitch diagonal crease

Backstitch along the vertical crease all the way to the edges. Start from the top edge where the two sides of the fabric meet. Cut off the excess fabric about 1/4 inch from the seam.

Step 4: Right side out

Iron the small seam open. Turn the fabric right side out, and push the point of the corner out. If you want to add a backing, slide it under the mitered corner.
Tip: Iron all over to make sure there are no wrinkles on the fabric.

Step 5: Topstitch

Pin the open edges in place. Topstitch around the inner edge then iron again. You can also starch it later if you want a crisper looking fabric.


Here’s a closer look on how to sew mitered corners. It is definitely seeeew easy!

Mitering corners appear to be complicated at first but if you just follow the steps carefully, it is actually easy. Try it and see the difference it can make to any square-shaped sewing project you have. Knowing this can help make your handmade items look more expensive.

Have you tried sewing mitered corners in your projects? What’s the best part of this sewing technique? Tell us in the comments below! 

Preparing for your next sewing craft? Better check out these 25 Best Sewing Hacks That Will Make Your Life a Breeze!

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1 thoughts on “How to Sew Mitered Corners

  1. Lois Barger says:

    Love the mitered corner, i plan to use it this week so i can remember how to do it .
    Thank you , Lois Barger.

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