We can help you out by sharing with you how to make your own outdoor gear. You don’t need special equipment to make your outdoor activities complete and fun. Sometimes it’s enough to make and repair your old camping gear when needed. Have you ever thought of the amount of money and stress you could save by mending tearing or malfunctioning equipment instead of buying new? We’ve provided a list for you to get started. Check it out!
How To Sew Your Own Outdoor Gear
1. A-Frame Tent
This A-Frame tent is a great idea if you want a safer and more comfortable place for your kids to stay in while relaxing outdoors! As long as you use quality fabric and follow proper procedure, you and your kids will surely appreciate it!
2. Bike Bag
You just need quality fabrics and proper sewing to come up with this durable bike bag that will last forever! The design is a bit tricky, but it is a great way to ease up the load than using a backpack when biking.
3. DIY Backpacking Quilt
Learn how to sew this backpacking quilt through the image link tutorial. If you’re an expert sewer, it’ll be easy for you. But for beginners, it may take some time to perfect. Just practice, have fun, and enjoy!
4. Sleeping Bag Pillows
This is a clever project that requires simple sewing procedures only! These sleeping bag pillows provide sleeping comfort while lying in your tent!
5. Toddler Sleeping Bag
Want to have this tidy looking rolled toddler sleeping bag? If you spend a lot of your time outdoors and need something soft and durable for your little one to lie on, pick your fabric and start sewing now.
6. DIY Bug Bivy
Apart from the cold, mosquitoes and bugs are a primary problem when sleeping outdoors. This simple bug bivy prevents those bugs from attacking your skin! Be safe and start sewing this today.
7. DIY Teepee With Pom Pom
You can enjoy a safer, more durable customized teepee when you’ve learned to build and create it! And you can still incorporate some style by sewing pom poms on it. It makes for awesome photo shots too!
8. DIY Stuff Sack
Watch this video of The Stuff Sack – Hammock Camping How To Make Your Own Gear by Camping With Hammocks.
9. Outdoor Bag Repair
If you are unsure of the durability of your bag or other outdoor gear, you should learn how to repair your gear using a sewing awl. It’s always a useful skill for simple sewing repairs.
Watch this video about Different Ways on How To Repair Technical Outdoor Fabric if Ripped or Punctured by ProLiteGear“
10. Sewing Outdoor Gear Book
If you want a book that teaches new ideas about sewing outdoor gear that you can bring wherever you go, this book is for you. Know the many types of fabric and the various techniques you can sew outdoor gear with them.
11. Sewing For The Outdoors Book
Another book that you can bring anywhere that’ll help you with your outdoor sewing projects. Sewing for the Outdoors helps you choose the materials and create your desired outdoor gear from them.
12. Lightweight Balaclava
Do you want to protect your face from cold wind and sunburn? The balaclava is the perfect headgear for this purpose. Learn how to sew a simple balaclava here.
13. Sewing Waterproof Outerwear
Waterproof wear is one of the most important things you can have if you’re an adventurous person. If you’d like to personally sew your own waterproof outdoor clothing, read the information provided here.
14. Hammock
This hammock is great for backpacking, camping or any other outdoor activities. Have one in your backyard and feel the relaxing outdoor feeling whenever you want to. Click here to make our own hammock.
15. Camp Stove Windscreen
Using a camp stove windscreen is a very helpful and workable solution to the wind challenge. So, start making one now and bring it to your outdoor camp.
16. Customized Backpack
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Create your own customized backpacking gear that lets you adjust its size and make it bigger. Make sure you pick good fabrics to make it durable and long-lasting!
17. Another Sleeping Pad
Save a portion of your money by personally sewing this DIY sleeping pad on your own. You can choose a fabric that’ll give you comfort while sleeping on the ground.
18. Outdoor Knife Sheath
Your knife should be protected and be carried carefully. Make an outdoor knife sheath to avoid hurting yourself or anyone else. Choose the right material and apply your own design.
19. First Aid Roll Kit
Learn how to sew your own first aid kit with the available fabric you have. Don’t forget to bring this first aid kit with you on your outdoor trip to help treat minor cuts and burns.
Here’s a video by RipstopbytheRoll on how to make a netless hammock:
Learning how to sew different outdoor gear can help you save money and give you the ability to choose quality materials for a more durable product. Store outlets usually have overpriced items that’s too much for your budget. So why not make your own?
Can’t wait to sew your own outdoor gear? Let us know in the comments section below!
Up Next: 35 Best Sewing Hacks That Will Make Your Life a Breeze
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on April 26, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Would love to win that sowing miching, I love making my own clothes, thank you for the chance.
I would love to win this.I had a sewing machine after I got married 42 years ago but it broke. 15 years ago and I never have got to buy a new one.I would love to win this machine! I used to make dresses for my daughter and shirts and pants for my son as well as baby quilts and quilts and pillows and Halloween costumes etc.I really miss sewing so would really love to win!
I would like to sew harnesses for my dachshund. None of the harnesses in the pet stores fit her
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