Christmas is definitely in the air and that means it’s time to start sewing your advent calendar! Well, I am pretty excited myself – so excited that I even made my own customized advent calendar, just like my mother did for us when I was younger!
DIY Advent Calendar Ideas to Start Your Countdown With
There’s nothing more fun than counting down the days until Christmas comes, but why just tick off dates from a plain old calendar when you could customize your own and give them as gifts to your family and friends? I remember receiving my very first advent calendar from a sewer friend, I was so happy because I wasn’t able to make one myself that year! Needless to say, that friend of mine and I have grown closer over the years! We even trade sewing tips every now and then, like different patterns and styles for advent calendars, some of which made this list! Speaking of, here’s a list of advent calendars that will definitely spark some inspiration:
1. Advent Calendar with Sewn Pockets
Do you have a friend or relative who likes spending time outdoors? This advent calendar would be a perfect backyard addition for your gardening friend. This calendar will definitely help keep track of the exciting festive days to come!
2. Pocket Organizer Advent Calendar
Sometimes, a non-traditional Christmas color will add more contrast to a home’s Christmas decor. Take this one for example – a black and white pocket organizer filled with small colorful gifts. Can you see those vibrant gift wrappers pop?
3. Simple Advent Calendar
Don’t let the word ‘simple’ fool you. This calendar will be perfect for your no-nonsense friend and will also allow him or her to customize it herself by filling its pockets with trinkets! Actually, why not go the extra mile and fill them up yourself? Call it an extra gift, if you will.
Make your kitchen alive by adding some colors! See them here
— SewingDotCom (@Sewingdotcom) August 11, 2016
4. Fabric Envelope Advent Calendar
Making fabric envelopes is a piece of cake, even when you have to make 25 of them! How about writing one good thing about each family member for each day? Everyone would have something to look forward to aside from the 25th!
5. Mittens Advent Calendar
I’ve had my share of making mittens from scratch for my babies, but never for a calendar. However, this idea looks interesting because you can customize the cuffs for each mitten! You can even hang these on your Christmas tree to add a little personal touch.
6. Peppermint Advent Calendar
‘Tis the season for two of my favorite colors, red and white – classics! Like the fabric envelope calendar, this calendar will also give your friends an opportunity to put in a little surprise for their own family members. After all, Christmas is the season of love…and surprises!
7. String of Lights Advent Calendar
As if your friend’s house wasn’t sparkly enough, this string of lights calendar will definitely add a spark more! Minimalist and easy to do, this calendar can definitely stick around even after the 25th! You can hang it on the mantle or along the stair banister to get the attention it deserves.
8. Stocking Advent Calendar
What’s Christmas without the ever-iconic Christmas sock? Test your skills by making 25 identical socks for this calendar and arranging them whichever you like! Your friends and kids will definitely be amazed!
9. Quilted Patchwork Advent Calendar
A bit more on the classic side, I remember my grandmother sewing one of these back when I was way younger. Its attention to detail and the amount of time put into it will definitely make the recipient of this gift feel very appreciated.
10. Upcycled Advent Calendar
Upcycling doesn’t stop when Christmas starts! This calendar is made from outgrown or plain old sweaters which need another chance at life. Assemble them on a chalkboard or painted piece of wood, and voila!
11. Dress Shirt Advent Calendar
Another upcycling project – this dress shirts turned calendar is nothing to sniff at! Take out your husband’s or brother’s old dress shirts and give them life this Christmas! Hang your finished project over the fireplace or along your banister, it’s gonna be a sure eyecatcher.
12. Rustic Stocking Advent Calendar
Easier than the previous stocking calendar but no less charming, this rustic stocking calendar will be a good addition to anyone’s household! Especially to an individual whose tastes are a bit more on the vintage side!
13. Felt Christmas Tree Advent Calendar
Nothing could replace a real-life Christmas tree, but isn’t this calendar just precious? You could also customize it with your family’s name, like what this tutorial did! I suggest putting it beside your own Christmas tree – after all, two is better than one, right?
14. Patchwork Advent Calendar
This is as classic as it can get! Get out those loose and leftover fabric scraps and turn them into something spectacular. Red and green, another classic Christmas color combination, will never fail to make anyone smile!
15. Kiddie Felt Advent Calendar
We’re almost done with our list, but we’re not forgetting the kids! While most advent calendars will have a festive design, this one will focus on what the kids will really like and actually understand — simple and youthful drawings and figures that depicts what the Yuletide season is about!
16. Christmas Tree Advent Calendar
If you have the time, you can try making this crochet Christmas tree advent calendar. It’s quite unique and isn’t as straightforward (numbers and pockets and all) as the traditional advent calendars, but I’m sure anyone who receives this as a gift this Christmas will be overjoyed!
17. Candy Cane Advent Calendar
Appeal to your children’s sweet tooth with this candy cane calendar! It has pockets you could fill with delicious treats they could eat per day – maybe a candy or two, everything in moderation – and this would be a sure hit!
Boost up your excitement even more! Watch this video from Eltoria below!
Christmas is that one time of the year where everyone is in complete agreement that loving and sharing trumps all. Exemplify that by investing your time and efforts in these advent calendar projects that your family and friends will genuinely appreciate. But don’t stop there, if you can go the extra mile, make the small presents more meaningful and special too!
What do you think about hanging any of these advent calendars in your home? Which one are you itching to start with? Let me know in the comments below!
Up Next: 17 Nifty Fabric Basket Ideas
An idea for those who want to keep some focus on the reason for the season use the Kiddie Felt Advent Calendar is the use Christian Christmas symbols or a Manger scene quilted (like the Patchwork Advent) or crocheted (like the Christmas tree Advent).
Ideas for a loved one no longer with you for Christmas would be to make the Dress shirt Advent Calendar from their shirts or the Upcycled Advent from their favorite clothing.