Looking for the right way to bring a little personality to your morning coffee routine? How about a personalized coozy? Make one for yourself or make these trendy gifts for your friends! I am excited to share with you this crochet cup that is the perfect complement to one of my most favorite things in the world – coffee! Using a washable cup warmer that is environmentally friendly not only helps to save mother earth, but it also displays your creative side by making your own design. In this case, we have these cute hearts to keep the love and warmth in your coffee. This heart-design tutorial can also be used in other crochet projects that you wish to adorn with hearts, too. So sit back, relax, and learn how to crochet a cup cozy the easy way. Only here at sewing.com!
How To Design Your Own Personalized Crochet Cup Coozy
I was enjoying a warm cup of joe and laughing on a park bench thinking to myself, hey isn’t it almost International Coffee Day?!—didn’t mean to sound so Taylor Swifty there. 😉 But while International Coffee Day has past, if there were 2 things that can brighten my gloomy days (aside from my kids), it would be Taylor’s upbeat music and my handy dandy hot cup of coffee. And it bums me out that I can never just grab a freshly-made cup of coffee and rush back to my sewing masterpieces. My cup will be too hot to hold with my bare hands. I have to leave the kitchen and then wait a while to come back for it. And the funniest part is, I sometimes forget or get too lazy to come back for it at all—so it gets cold!
To get my coffee just right, I made this cute crochet cup warmer that is about 10-inch in circumference and 2 & 1/2 inches in width. A snug fit for my tall cylindrical coffee cup. Are you excited to find out how easy it is? Well then, let’s go!
Materials Needed:
- 4 balls of Yarn, cotton
- 5.5 mm eye Crochet Hook (Conversion: no.9 or letter “I”)
- 1 Tapestry Needle
- 1 pair of Scissors
What to do:
To make the cup cozy band…
1. Secure your hook with a slip knot
The starting point of any crochet project is a slip knot. Simply wind the yarn around your fingers twice, slip the first round into the middle and then pull it out with your hook.
2. Crochet 28 single chains
Wrap your hook around the yarn once and let it slip out of the hole. Do this 28 times and you’re ready for the next step.
3. Connect the ends of the chain to form a circle with a slip stitch
Form a circle by inserting your hook into the farthest chain from the end and make a slip stitch.
4. Make 2 single chains
Crochet 2 single chains.
5. Thicken the circle with a round of half double crochet
Make the first round of chain by making a half double crochet on the back bump of each chain. When you reach the end, close the circle with a slip stitch.
6. Repeat Steps 3, 4, and 5 to make a total of eight rounds
Go back to steps 3, 4, and 5 to make 7 more rounds. A total of 8 rounds will do to increase the width of your band.
7. Cut the end of the yarn
Cut at the farther end of your yarn after you make the last slip stitch.
8. Fasten by weaving the ends
Weave the first and second ends with your tapestry needle within the band.
9. Trim the excess yarn
Trim the ends with your scissors. Your band is half ready to be used as a cup cozy! So don’t stop here. There are super cute heart designs waiting for you at the next steps! 😉
To make the heart designs…
1. Start by making the top portion of the heart
You start to crochet the top right portion and then continue on the left top-most part.
1.1 To make the top right part of the heart
1.1.a Again, start with a slip knot and make 4 single chains
Just like the way you started when you made the band, start making the heart by securing your hook with a slip knot. Continue by making 4 single chains. (refer to illustrations 1 & 2 of the cup cozy band on top).
1.1.b Close the ends with a slip stitch
Make a ring by hooking into the farthest chain from the hook, and closing it with a slip stitch.
1.1.c Make a double crochet into the center of the ring
Stretch the ring out a little to show the ring under all the stitches. Make 1 double crochet.
1.1.d Next a treble crochet
Wrap your hook around the yarn twice and then insert the hook into the middle. After that, you make one wrap around the yarn and let out 2 loops. Continue this cycle until you get through the last 2 loops.
1.1.e Make another double crochet and then a slip stitch
Refer to the illustrations 1.1.c and 1.1.b. respectively.
1.2 Crochet the top left portion of the heart
Repeat steps from 1.1.a to 1.1.e.
3. Form the lower sides and pointed end of the heart
We finish by making the sides and the pointed end of the heart.
3.a Make 3 single crochets on the right side
Follow the illustration above to make one single crochet. Simply make 3 of these and then proceed to the next step.
3.b Do 1 treble crochet to make the tip
Refer to illustration 1.1.d.
3.c Repeat step 3.a to form the left side
4. Close the heart with a slip stitch
Refer to illustration 3 of cup cozy band.
5. Pull and trim the first end, keep the second
Pull the end closest to the center (the first one) really tight and then trim. Keep the second end, we will use this when we attach the heart to the cup cozy.
6. Shape out the heart
Push the middle of the heart in and stretch the pointy end to shape out the heart.
To attach the hearts to the cup warmer…
1. Lay down your design
Before attaching the hearts, lay it down to decide how you want to position your hearts.
2. Insert the yarn end of the heart into the needle
Begin by inserting the yarn end of the heart design into your tapestry needle.
3. Attach the heart to the cup cozy by weaving around it
Start sewing the end by inserting the needle from the top of the heart and into the cup cozy band. Sew along the edges of the heart to make sure it’s secured.
4. Tie the end off at the back
After sewing the sides of the heart into the band, tie the very end at the back of the band.
5. Complete your other heart designs and you’re ready to enjoy your coffee!
Now you are ready to enjoy a fulfilling cup of joe!
As a plus, have a fun time viewing this video on how to crochet a hearty cup coozy that’s perfect for the upcoming winter months presented to us by Fiber Flux:
Would you like to know more easy crochet projects? Enjoy making one over coffee here!
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